Before you can acquire the right insurance, your insurance professional needs to ask the right questions. How risky are the mutual fund’s investments? How liquid are they? What’s its claim history?  What’s management’s performance track record? Given SEC Rule 17g-1, what bond limit is required? And so on.

This isn’t just due diligence. It’s finding the best way to achieve your insurance goals in terms of cost, coverage, complexity, and compliance.

We’ll ask the right questions so we can explore the best options — for example, to what extent it makes sense to segregate coverages for various funds and individuals, including senior executives, inside board members, and independent directors? The result goes well beyond a laundry list of boilerplate policies. It’s a well thought-out and comprehensive plan for mutual fund group insurance protection.

Client programs typically include coverage in one or more of the following categories:

Click on a category to learn more about how we insure mutual fund groups.

Call us with your financial insurance questions.

Even if you’re not a client, you’ll like how helpful we are and how quickly we understand your situation.

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