When your fund has significantly lower returns than expected … when breach of fiduciary responsibility is alleged … when directors’ motives are called into question … when these or countless other claim scenarios occur … your ultimate protection is the competence of your financial insurance professional.
Because your insurance is only as good as the person who represents you to insurance carriers — from risk assessment, through underwriting, to claims management. We also understand that insurance may not be an area where you wish to devote a large portion of your time and attention. You simply don’t have time to be distracted by insurance problems or to handhold a financial industry novice.
Which is why we’ve made protecting you as painless and efficient as possible — based on unmatched experience and expertise, unrivaled industry relationships, and the broadest portfolio of insurance products in the financial services industry.
We offer coverage in these categories for hedge funds and private fund groups:
Learn More about Hedge Fund / Private Fund Liability Insurance